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*UPDATE* 10/29/18

1) The Silent Team has gone around the land and updated each

checkpoint seal in various locations.  Many visitor were make mistakes by clicking on checkpoints, but not knowing to click the blue font on them... so we re-worded the checkpoint screen a bit.


2) Woodiside Apartments checkpoint has been corrected to reflect the desired landmark and not the Ridgeview Hospital. Sorry for this mistake. All fixed!


3) The Silent Halloween Hunt of 2018 seemed to be a huge success this year... with that said, we decided to add more puzzles of that style in the future that is more permanent and can be played throughout the year. Stay tuned for more news of that.


4) Silent Team finally hired new scripters to proceed forward with the HUD project and puzzles... ok so, yes we can be looking at a launch date very soon!!!!




5) That's not all of the good news you guys! Don't forget.... Overlook Prison is to be released as of November 11th!

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